Monday, August 22, 2011

Robert Bruce Gray established Sovereign Trust called AMROCK

AMROCK Trust Company
Robert Bruce Gray identified a lucrative niche market in discretionary Trustee services, and established a Sovereign Trust called AMROCK Trust Company, in 1997.
AMROCK provides 'Trustee Services' to investors seeking top level security and discretion regarding their asset holdings.
Robert Bruce Gray’s unique investment strategy allows AMROCK to consistently deliver sustainable, lucrative yields for their clients.
AMROCK Trust Company has been considered a recognized “Asset Manager” of substantial funds on a global level, by providing discretionary Trustee and Fiduciary services to all levels of the business community. 

Robert B. Gray’s philanthropic values have been in evidence during this time. He donated significant percentages of all AMROCK , and other generated profits toward funding of global humanitarian and infrastructure projects. 
With the aid of Gray’s contribution and that of other charitable donations, Governments have the onus to curtail budgetary spending on key project and redirect public funds toward the reduction of governmental debt. This measure alone, allows for the provision of funding to better services to their local communities. 

Commercial Development Banking Corporation Limited is also trading as Commercial Development Bank
As of 2005, Robert Bruce Gray’s ability as a networker and relationship builder had enabled him as a confident, friend, and financial advisor to many VIPs, including leaders in Government, business, and other influential groups. 
Gray’s integrity and specific managerial style, and approach to economic investments, gave him the leverage to partner with new opportunities.
Gray was instrumental in the entire reconstruction and development of a post war-torn pacific island nation replete with natural resources and minerals.
The United Nations sanctioned the creation of the “Autonomous Region of Bougainville” and its newly formed Government of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, which allowed Robert Bruce Gray to establish a Sovereign Business Organisation known as the Commercial Development Bank. 
An “Offshore” banking licence was issued on 24th October 2006.
Democratic elections were held in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville in May 2010, and President Mr John Momis was elected and sworn in as President. 
Patrick Nisira was appointed as Vice President. 
President Momis made one of his first priorities to establish a credible and reliable form of government. 
He previously held the position of Papua New Guinea’s ambassador to P.R. China. His background in diplomacy qualified him as a competent leader and visionary, expert in international matters of politics and diplomacy.
The President of the Mekamui Tribal Government: Mr Philip Miriori and Vice President Mr Phillip Takung proclaimed the Island’s Sovereignty as a democratic sovereign Nation on January 1st, 2011.
President Mr Philip Miriori, Vice President Mr Phillip Takung, and the Minister of Finance Mr Peter Nearu signed the “unrestricted” banking license issued to Commercial Development Banking Corporation Limited on February 17th, 2011. Robert Gray, as Chairman of the Board of Governors, and John Sitkiewicz, as Secretary of the Board signed the acceptance of the license, which was granted a five (5) year contract to manage the banking business on behalf of the Government of the Mekamui of The Autonomous Region of Bougainville. This commenced the evolution and future prosperity of the region.
An Audit Report by a Swiss Auditor confirmed the Commercial Development Banking Corporation Limited with regard to its asset-backed financial strength. The Commercial Development and Banking Corporation Limited is ready to commence banking business and develop correspondent banking relationships with central banks internationally. This will have the benefit of developing the Island through sound sustainable banking operations.
An unrestricted banking license must be based on a substantial financial and staff resource injection and project management commitment into the region. Commercial Development Banking Corporation Limited (CDBCL), also known as Commercial Development Bank or CD Bank, has been accepted to build and manage a 21st Century banking operation network which, will not only provide modern banking services to the residents of the Island of Bougainville and surrounding areas, but will also be transacting confidential banking business on behalf of the Government of Bougainville.
This rewarding and unique opportunity for Commercial Development Bank. Communication and Banking will allow for funding for systems, Roads, Schools, Hospitals, Airports and Seaports and other crucial infrastructure to be built and will involve large scale employment and commercial opportunities for the entire region. Commercial Development Bank will be responsible for funding development projects. International mining companies are envisaged to descend and commence operations in the region, which will bring added employment opportunities and financial stability to the region. Bougainville Government Minister of Finance Mr Peter Nearu reported the resource deposits in the area of Bougainville were valued in the Trillions of Dollars.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Creditnet Bank Internationale

A ‘Sovereign Trust’ was established in 1998 by Robert Bruce Gray. He collaborated with constitutional lawyers, to verify the legitimacy of a private finance organization. In addition, a “Sovereign Trust Organisation” was established to oversee the operation of a private merchant bank. By 1999, the trust was restructured as a Sovereign Status Banking Organization in conjunction with a number of other Sovereign Trust Organisations established to oversee the operation of other companies under the umbrella of the organisation. Robert Bruce Gray remained in control with full Power of Attorney and as the sole signatory with jurisdiction over the Bank.

The “Sovereign Status Trusts” or “Sovereign Business Organisations” were created and given life through the power of the British Common Law which permits parties to enter into, and to fulfil contractual obligations, as a function at law, which cannot be impaired by any state or statutory legislative power.

A “Sovereign Status Trust” or “Sovereign Business Organization” is a contractual obligation or trust deed created between two consenting parties. The “Sovereign Status "Trust" or "Sovereign Business Organization” is not legislated or subject to regulatory restrictions in the practices of corporations or other entities.

Robert Bruce Gray established the Creditnet Bank Internationale (Creditnet) and was appointed permanent Chairman of the Board, by the Board of Governors.

Commonly, Creditnet transactions are facilitated by International Bills of Exchange (IBOE). IBOEs are financial instruments considered equivalent to cash payments upon submission and can be issued for significant amounts of monetary value. This has allowed Creditnet to commence trading in the Global Gold and Currency markets.

International Bills of Exchange have a reliable history as transactions prior to the initiation of electronic banking. Electronic banking has become the preferential framework for banking transactions of marginal values; however, IBOE is still a preferred mode of transit for many banks and is still mandated by the Commonwealth Bills of Exchange Act.

Robert Bruce Gray outlined the history of Bills of Exchange in a white paper he authored, pursuant to a request from the Australian Federal Treasury in 2004. Gray commented on the review of the Bills of Exchange Act Australia in and the possibility of electronic data management of Bills of Exchange. He outlined the methodology of the United Nations UNCITRAL Convention on Bills of Exchange, which dictates that Bills of Exchange MUST be documented in physical form, authorized by a handwritten signature, and physically delivered in order to convey valuable consideration in the Bill itself. Gray also outlined the manner in which HOW Bills of Exchange can be utilised to UNLOCK assets and be utilized to create monetized value. The Australian Federal Treasury review resulted in their decision to authorize the use of International Bill of Exchange in their current physical form.

Creditnet Bank Internationale currently owns and manages significant assets in the form of gold, cash, and other assets, used as asset-backing to issue International Bills of Exchange. Creditnet acts as the Trustee of significant holdings on behalf of discretionary benefactors who mandate the use of their assets in aid of humanitarian and infrastructure developments.

Quoting over 2,500 court cases as precedent, and pursuant to a number of Commonwealth Federal Legislations on Bills of Exchange, the United Nations UNCITRAL Convention the asset-backed Bills of Exchange issued by Creditnet Bank Internationale have been determined as valuable consideration equivalent to cash funds, as legislated by the preceding organizations.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Robert Bruce Gray's Career

Robert Bruce Gray’s building company became his first success story. He implemented the use of unique imported timbers in his building project and this lead to the establishment of a wholesale timber and building material company, which supplied product to his competition.

Robert Bruce Gray was not satisfied with this success and wanted to further develop his business holdings and personal assets. As his registered building company continued to grow, Gray obtained further land and property development contracts.

A skilled financial negotiator, Gray had the ability to secure financing to expand and develop his business into a multi-functional corporation involved in evaluation, marketing and promotions, planning and design, and a strong wholesale division.

By 1989, Gray had expanded his businesses significantly, and had established a timber and building material wholesale business, a land and property development business, and a principal building and construction company building spec homes and contract homes. The building company’s book of One Hundred house plans and designs was a tremendous success, especially for those seeking to have large homesteads built.

Recessionary times hit Australia in 1989, because of poor government policies, and seriously affected the building industry. Gray took this as a sign to move into a more profitable arena and became a sales executive for an authorized Mercedes Benz dealership. Although he had no previous experience, Robert Gray was recognized as a member of the prestigious Star Sales Guild in 1990 and 199. This honour is awarded to sales executives who have achieved the status as one of the top five (5) performing sales executives for Mercedes Benz, Australia.

Not content to sit on his laurels, Gray established a career as a commercial real estate agent in 1992. An expert at networking, Gray’s client base at Mercedes Benz, provided him with a high-end list of potential clientele in the Corporate, Banking, Retail and Government sectors.

Robert Bruce Gray acquired two parcels of land in transitional business towns and in 1994 and 1995 shopping centres were constructed on the properties. Gray also established furniture and electrical retail businesses to operate in those two shopping centres.

Gray continued to prosper and his holdings grew to include four (4) retail furniture and electrical product businesses. He was a pioneer in the area of national retail sales 'loyalty programmes'. Recognizing the success of this program, other business owners consulted Gray and he helped implement similar programs. Gray’s financial genius became more apparent as he expanded and formed a financial consulting brokerage, using his financial leverage to borrow bulk funds for re-lending.

By 1997, Gray’s drive and determination led him to into the world of International Banking and Finance. He divested his Australian assets and relocated to London. Gray was not the kind of man to let grass grow under his feet, and it didn’t take him long to establish a productive financing and banking and network in the United Kingdom, the USA and Europe.

Robert Bruce Gray's early Life

Robert bruce Gray was born in 1957 to parents Robert and Winifred Gray. He was the youngest of six children. Robert Senior worked as a foreman at Evans Deacon shipbuilder. Seeking a better life for his family, he left the shipbuilding industry to create a sustainable future for his family in agriculture. After his children had grown and moved away from the family farm, Gray’s father became the head of the Leader Trucks plant, practicing his profession as a respected lathes and tool-maker.

Robert Bruce Gray’s mother, Winifred, became Australia's first Postmaster, and relieving Postmaster General for the South Eastern Queensland region.

Gray and his siblings traveled with their mother throughout South East Queensland, attending various primary schools. He completed his studies at Brisbane Boys College and Concordia College.

Robert attributes his commitment and passion to his father’s ingenious character and his mother’s business acumen. Robert Gray inherited his work ethic from his parents, and started working as a carpenter’s assistant on weekends and after school. Robert went on to manage a small factory workshop for Brightways Hardware, in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. The company manufactured aluminum fly screen windows and doors. He obtained an apprenticeship in carpentry and joinery with the Earl Cramp Building Company. Robert’s potential was recognized at the early age of sixteen (16) years when he was hired by Clarkways Homes. Gray proved his mettle by working holidays and weekends on “bush jobs”.

The ambitious Gray established his own building construction company by the time he had finished his apprenticeship.

Robert hired his former supervisor and foreman to become his site foreman, overseeing five teams of builders engaged in building large scale developments throughout Queensland.

Robert Bruce Gray Profile and Summary Biography

The renowned Philanthropist and Visionary, Robert Bruce Gray, was born in Australia on 2nd June 1957. Robert Gray has made his mark as a Trustee, Banker, Businessman, and Investor.

Gray’s considerable experience and knowledge of global financial markets and International Banking are such that he is considered an expert in the world of high finance. He is in demand as a financial consultant because of his cognition of international economic policies and the impact on business and financial development.

Robert Bruce Gray’s acumen in the world of business and banking, backed by his sound ethical and moral integrity, has attracted the attention of world leaders and monarchs who have placed their trust and more importantly, the operation of their considerable financial holdings in his hands.

Gray has the vision, and now the mainstay of a number of powerful individuals with the strength and financial assets to implement his life-long purpose of positively affecting the economic health and prosperity of world economies. Gray has the creativity, and resources to collaborate with cross functional shareholders to strengthen the world’s depleted resources forging the use of innovative, environmentally friendly plant technologies.

Gray has a definitive foundation in place to realize his goals and backed by his business savvy, he will see his philanthropic dreams recognized. Gray’s plan to assist developing nations with sustainable development is one that has attracted the attention and funding of some of the world’s leading philanthropists.